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Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Dr. Yagoo's Weekly Special!

As many of you know I love to help my fellow Affiliate Marketers. I am very thankful that you have come to view my site. So I have done some wheelin' and dealin' to create an awesome Thank You Package. Normally this package would sell for over $200.00 but I'm offering it to you (for this Week Only) for a mere $17.00. That's less than $2.00 per book! So I hope you enjoy the material and come again soon.(Scroll down the page for details)

Happy Marketing!
Dr. Yagoo

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Computer Geek Reveals:

"The SECRET Formula To Transforming Your DEAD Slow PC into the Fast, Secure and Stable System You've Always Dreamed 15 MINUTES..

Mailing List For Affiliate Marketers

Mailing List for Affiliate Marketers

If you are an affiliate marketer who wants to make a comfortable living from referring your prospects to other people’s product or service for decent commissions, then you must consider building your own mailing list.

Building your mailing list of hungry prospects can be one of the best investments you will ever make, as it is time and effort worth spending on. When you strike on a Joint Venture and have a new product or service to endorse, you can look no further than your own mailing list.

Granted, that most affiliates, as in more than 90 percent of them, are not making money from affiliate programs, but this often results from the same amount of effort focused on least effective methods.

While having your own mailing list is, by a long mile, not the only effective affiliate marketing method, you can make affiliate sales very quickly even in the next few hours after sending a sales message, provided that your mailing list is huge and responsive.

This is often true, because owning your own mailing list for you to endorse products and services to is one of the fastest-producing results, beating other affiliate marketing methods imaginable.

In a nutshell, the affiliate marketer who gets ahead of the pack is the one who owns a huge and responsive mailing list of prospects.

Monday, September 10, 2007



Sunday, September 9, 2007


Dominate Search Engines

Dominate Search Engines without having to work hard or spend months learning some goofy tactic that the guru's toss around.

I have had great success in pushing web sites to the top of the popular search engines results pages, and yes, I have used many tools to accomplish this feat that most people never even come close to achieving.

Most recently, I used backlink generators, and while I cannot deny their brutal effectiveness, I also cannot deny that the method is downright offensive to some people, and they tend to be very vocal in their dislike of that particular method.

Does their dislike affect my positions... no, not at all, but the point is that I didn't want people getting mad at me for simply doing what it takes to get to the top search results... So I needed something new, and something that had the raw power of a world class backlink generator, but without the negative side-effects.

Friday, September 7, 2007

5 Ways To Jump-start Your Affiliate Commissions
(c) 2003 by Mark Idzik

Affiliate marketing is one of the most talked about topics
on the internet... and for good reason.

Next to creating your own products, it's one of the best
ways to make a full or part-time income online. In fact,
some prove me wrong and earn a better living exclusively
promoting other people's products and services.

And although it can be easy, 80-90% of affiliates don't
earn more than $100 a month.

But you can be part of the top 10-20% with a simple plan
and some strategic tips. Here are five ways you can boost
your affiliate commission checks today and start on the
path to larger commissions and affiliate marketing freedom:

1. Use Protected And User-Friendly Links

If you're promoting an affiliate program, instead of using
the link provided by the affiliate program, take a few
minutes and create a special link on your site that re-directs
your visitor and protects your affiliate link.

This benefits you in four ways:

- your affiliate link won't be chopped off because
it's too long (many email programs do this)

- visitors won't be tempted to cut off your affiliate
id, or replace it with their own to get a discount
on their purchase

- your visitor sees your domain name in the link,
promoting your business

- you can see exactly how many clicks you received
for that particular promotion by reviewing your
web site statistics

2. Review Products

For each product or service you promote write a personal
review of your experience with it. Be honest... people
will notice if you're just trying to hype the product.

You can email the review to your list, write a short
autoresponder series, as well as grab an image of the
product and display the review on your web site. Pick a
strategic location... the upper right side of any web page
gets the most "eye" traffic.

3. Add A "Recommended Product Guide"

Gather three to five of your favorite products... those
that you use and would recommend to a friend, and create
a short "Recommended Resource or Product Guide" along
with your affiliate links.

You can add this guide to:

- newsletter subscription thank you pages

- product purchase thank you pages

- exit pop-up windows

- special report sign up thank you pages

These pages are often empty, with just a "thank you"
and a link to your site. Use this valuable real estate
to make recommendations. Your visitors and clients
trusted you with their purchase or newsletter sign up,
and they're more likely to trust your recommendations
right after making a purchase as well.

4. Collect Visitor Information

Instead of sending your visitors directly through the
affiliate program link, grab their name and email first.

Create a special report about the product or service
you are promoting or offer them a special newsletter
on a related topic.

If you build a list of people interested in a certain
market, you can then promote related products and
services to them in the future.

If you just send them to the affiliate site directly,
you don't get that benefit and potentially lose a
lifetime of commissions.

Here's an insider tip:

- Create a pop-up window that includes your
sign up form and opens at the same time you
send your visitor to the affiliate page.

5. Give Buyers A Special Bonus

Give your visitors a special bonus gift for ordering
through your link. It could be a special report,
consultation, free service or a special product that
you have rights to.

This creates an incentive for the visitor to make the
purchase right now, and from your link... because it's
not available anywhere else.

It makes you the only source for the combination of
product and bonus!

Make it easy... just ask them to send you their receipt
and you can forward their bonus after verifying the

Bonus-- you get their name and email address and
with their permission, you can stay in touch with
them in the future with recommendations on similar
products or services.

Mark Idzik is the creator of CBPlugin, an easy to use
system that lets web site owners "plug-in" top selling
products into their sites and earn affiliate commissions
automatically. Get more information about Mark and
CBPlugin by subscribing to his newsletter, RevenueTools: or visit his web site at:


Easy Profits Using PPC In Your Affiliate Marketing Business

PPC is one of the four basic types of Search Engines. PPC is also one of the most cost-effective ways of targeted internet advertising. According to Forbes magazine, PPC or Pay Per Click, accounts to 2 billion dollars a year and is expected to increase to around 8 billion dollars by the year 2008.

Let us take a quick look at how PPC Search Engines work.

These engines create listings and rate them based on a bid amount the website owner is willing to pay for each click from that search engine. Advertisers bid against each other to receive higher ranking for a specific keyword or phrase.

The highest bidder for a certain keyword or phrase will then have the site ranked as number 1 in the PPC Search Engines followed by the second and third highest bidder, up to the last number that have placed a bid on the same keyword or phrase. Your ads then will appear prominently on the results pages based on the dollar amount bid you will agree to pay per click.

How do you make money by using PPC into your affiliate marketing business?

Most affiliate programs only pay when a sale is made or a lead delivered after a visitor has clickthrough your site. Your earnings will not always be the same as they will be dependent on the web site content and the traffic market.

The reason why you should incorporate PPC into your affiliate marketing program is that earnings are easier to make than in any other kind of affiliate program not using PPC. This way, you will be making profit based from the clickthroughs that your visitor will make on the advertiser’s site. Unlike some programs, you are not paid per sale or action.

PPC can be very resourceful of your website. With PPC Search Engines incorporated into your affiliate program, you will be able to profit from the visitor’s who are not interested in your products or services. The same ones who leave your site and never comes back.

You will not only get commissions not only from those who are just searching the web and finding the products and services that they wanted but you will be able to build your site’s recognition as a valuable resource. The visitors who have found what they needed from you site are likely to come back and review what you are offering more closely. Then they will eventually come back to search the web for other products.

This kind of affiliate program is also an easy way for you to generate some more additional revenues. For example, when a visitor on your site does a search in the PPC Search Engine and clicks on the advertiser bided listings, the advertisers’ account will then be deducted because of that click. With this, you will be compensated 30% to 80% of the advertisers’ bid amount.

PPC is not only a source of generating easy profits; it can also help you promote your own site. Most of the programs allow the commissions received to be spent for advertising with them instantly and with no minimum earning requirement. This is one of the more effective ways to exchange your raw visitors for targeted surfers who has more tendencies to purchase your products and services.

What will happen if you when you integrate PPC into your affiliate program?

PPC usually have ready-to-use affiliate tools that can be easily integrated into your website. The most common tools are search boxes, banners, text links and some 404-error pages. Most search engines utilize custom solutions and can provide you with a white-label affiliate program. This enables you, using only a few lines of code, to integrate remotely-hosted co-branded search engine into your website.

The key benefits? Not only more money generated but also some extra money on the side. Plus a lifetime commissions once you have referred some webmaster friends to the engine.

Think about it. Where can you get all these benefits while already generating some income for your site? Knowing some of the more useful tools you can use for your affiliate program is not a waste of time. They are rather a means of earning within an earning.

Best know more about how you can use PPC search engines into your affiliate program than miss out on a great opportunity to earn more profits.